David M. Rothenberg, M.D.
David M. Rothenberg, M.D., F.C.C.M.
Former Senior Oral Examiner for the American Board of Anesthesiology
Dr. Rothenberg is the Max S. Sadove Professor of Anesthesiology and Vice Chair of Academic Affairs for the Department of Anesthesiology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL. He has board certifications in Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. He has 30 years of experience as a leader in resident education and 22 years experience as an oral examiner for the ABA. He founded BOBP with the intention of preparing anesthesiologists to confidently pass the ABA oral board examination and achieve ABA certification.
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1973 - 1977Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois
Degree: BAMedical
1977 - 1981University of Illinois
Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine
Degree: MDInternship/Residency
1981 - 1984Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center
Department of Internal Medicine
Chicago, IllinoisChief Resident
1984 – 1985Department of Internal Medicine (Chairman, Jordan Cohen, MD)
Michael Reese Hospital and Medical CenterResidency
1985 - 1987Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center
Department of Anesthesiology
Chicago, IllinoisChief Resident
1986-1987Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center
Department of Anesthesiology
Chicago, IllinoisFellowship
1987 - 1988Critical Care-Anesthesia
Department of Anesthesiology
Rush University Medical Center
Vice Chair, Academic Affairs, Department of Anesthesiology
Program Director, Department of Anesthesiology
2004 - present
Associate Dean, Academic Affiliations Rush University Medical Center
2008 – present
Senior Advisor, Rush University Simulation Laboratory
2007 - present
The Max S. Sadove Professor of Anesthesiology
2001 - present
Professor of Anesthesiology
Rush Medical College1998 - present
Senior Attending – Rush University Medical Center
1997 - present
Medical Director, Ambulatory Preoperative Evaluation Clinic
1990 -2013
Director, Division of Anesthesia-Critical Care
Rush University Medical Center1990-2013
Director, Resident Education Department of Anesthesiology RUMC
2000 - 2008
Co- Medical Director, Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Rush University Medical Center2004 - 2008
Co-Director, Rush University Simulation Laboratory
Rush University Medical Center1997 - 2004
Assistant Dean, Clinical Curriculum
Rush Medical College1993 - 2001
Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Rush Medical College and Rush University Medical Center1990 - 2000
Associate Medical Director, Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Rush University Medical Center1988 - 1993
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Rush Medical College and Rush University Medical Center1987
1987 Instructor, Department of Anesthesiology
Rush University Medical Center1984 - 1986
Associate Attending
Department of Medicine
Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center1984 - 1985
Clinical Instructor of Medicine
University of Chicago
Committee Activities
Co-Chair, Rush University Golf Outing Committee
Committee to Develop the Rush Center for Clinical Skills and Simulation
Member, Conflict of Interest Committee
1998 – 1999
Member, Ad Hoc Committee in Rules for Governance (ex-officio)
1997 – 2004
Committee on Student Evaluation and Promotion (ex-officio)
1997 – 2007
Curriculum Committee (ex-officio)
1997 – 2004
Committee on Educational Appraisal (ex-officio)
1996 - 1998
Member, Graduate Medical Education Task Force (Medical Center)
1994 - 2007
Member, Graduate Medical Education Committee (Medical Center)
1993 - 1997
Faculty Advisor (M-2), (Rush Medical College)
Member, Transfusion Committee
Member, Robotic Surgery Committee
Member, Perioperative Turn-over time Committee
Member, Perioperative Clinic Committee
Member, Preoperative Evaluation Committee
Member, Credentials Committee
Member, Medical Affairs Management Committee
Member, Surgical Infection Prevention Committee
Member, Rush DRG Caduceus Committee
1997 – 1998
Member, Rush 2000 Clinical Resources Management Team
1997 – 1998
Co-Chair, Rush 2000 Ventilatory/Respiratory Care
1996 - 1998
Member, Hospital Acquired Pneumonia Process Improvement Committee
1993 - present
Member, Medical Care Evaluation Committee (Medical Center)
1992 - 1993
Member, Executive Committee, (Medical Staff)
1992 - present
Member, Quality Assurance Committee, (Medical Staff)
1991 - 1993
Member, Committee of Ventilation Task Force Initiative (Medical Center)
1991 - 1992
Member, End-of-Life Issues Committee, (Medical Center)
1990 - 2002
Chair, Emergency Resuscitation Committee (Medical Center)
1990 - 1994
Senate, Medical Staff (Medical Staff)
1987 - 1990
Member, Emergency Resuscitation Committee (Medical Center)
1990 - present
Member, Advisory Committee, (Departmental)
1989 - present
Chair, Curriculum Committee (Departmental)
1989 - present
Member, Resident Admissions Committee (Departmental)
1987 - 1995
Chair, CPR Committee (Departmental)
Teaching Activities
Departmental: Director, Resident Education
Oversee all lectures, Grand Rounds, Visiting Professorships and morning
conferences. Organize yearly clinical schedules for residents, and prepare for RRC visits. Monitor the progress of each resident on an academic, clinical and professional level.Lectures:
- Acid-Base Physiology
- Neuro Anesthesia/Critical Care
- Critical Care
- TUR Syndrome
- Ethics/Professionalism
- Renal Physiology
Rush Medical College
Medical Student Lectures:Present:
- Medical Ethics, M1, M2 Course, Rush Medical College (1-3 lectures/year) 1999-2008.
- Ethical and Medical Considerations for the Jehovah’s Witness Patient, Department of Obstetric/Gynecology, Rush Medical College (6 x/year) 1999-2002.
- The Perioperative DNR Order, Department of Surgery, Rush Medical College (6 x/year) 1999-2003.
- “Dean Rounds” – Monthly discussion groups focusing on medical, ethical or professional topics with M3 and M4 students at Rush Medical College 1999-2001.
Critical Care Medicine Lecture Series
- Concepts of tissue oxygenation: Understanding the Fick Equation.
- Managing pain, anxiety and sleep in the ICU.
- Acid-Base Physiology
Specialty and Subspecialty Certification
American Board of Anesthesiology Recertification (#15383)
American Board of Anesthesiology Recertification – Critical Care Medicine (#15383)
American Board of Anesthesiology Recertification (#15383)
American Board of Anesthesiology - Critical Care Medicine (#503)
American Board of Anesthesiology (#15383)
American Board of Internal Medicine (#095694)
Elective Certification
1982 - 2013
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
1986 - present
Advanced Trauma Life Support
1988 - present
Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (Rush University Medical Center - Department of Anesthesiology)
State of Illinois - 036-065609
Professional Society Memberships
- Fellow, Institute of Medicine of Chicago
- Fellow, Society of Critical Care Medicine
- Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians (1988-2003)
- Member, American Medical Association (1988-2010)
- Member, American College of Physicians (1984-2003)
- Member, American Society of Anesthesiologists
- Member, American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists
- Member, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists
- Member, Chicago Medical Society (1988-2010)
- Member, Chicago Society of Critical Care
- Affiliate Faculty, American Heart Association, ACLS-TAG (1988-1996)
Professional Society Activities
Secretary, Ralph Waters Commission, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA)
ISA committee member (Distinguished Service Award, Judicial & Professional Standards)
Past President, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA)
President, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA)
President-elect, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA)
Vice President, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA)
Assistant Treasurer, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA)
1998 - 2000
Midwest Anesthesiology Conference, Chair
1996 - 1998
Midwest Anesthesiology Conference, Vice Chair
1994 - 1996
Midwest Anesthesiology Conference; Chair - Post Anesthesia Care Conference
1992 – 2000
Delegate, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists; House of Delegates
1992 - 1994
Midwest Anesthesiology Conference; Vice Chair - Post Anesthesia Care Conference
1991 - 1994
Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists; Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Sub-Committee on Exhibits
American Board of Anesthesiology, MOCA Minute Committee
Society of Critical Care Medicine, Ethics Committee
Delegate, American Society of Anesthesiologists (Illinois component)
Senior Examiner, American Board of Anesthesiology
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Resident/Medical Student Education
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Critical Care
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Clinical Forum
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Local Arrangements
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Ethics
American Board of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine Examination Committee
Alternate Delegate, American Society of Anesthesiologists
2004- 2005
Society of Critical Care Medicine; Ethics Committee
Society of Critical Care Medicine; Ethics Committee, Chair
2001 – 2002
Society of Critical Care Medicine; Ethics Committee, Chair Elect
Society of Critical Care Medicine; Committee of Undergraduate Medical Education, Chair
1999 - 2003
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Medical Education
1998 - 2000
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Panels (Annual Meeting)
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Clinical Forum (Annual Meeting)
1998 - 2002
Society of Critical Care Medicine; Committee of Undergraduate Education
American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists; Chairman 1997 Refresher Course (Chicago)
1996 - 2002
American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists; Committee on Membership
Society of Critical Care Medicine; Ethics Committee
1995 - 2005
Associate Examiner, American Board of Anesthesiology
1994 - 2009
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Respiratory Care
1994 – 2003
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Ethics
1993 - 1994
American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists; Committee on Membership
1992 - 2011
Examiner, American Board of Anesthesiology Writer of Questions for Critical Care Medicine Examination
1991 - 1995
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Committee on Panels
Committee for the James M. Feld, MD Professorship in Anesthesiology, University of Illinois College of Medicine
Editorial and Review Activities
Journal Reviewer, Journal of Neurology and Neurologic Disorders
Journal Reviewer, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
Section Editor, Current Opinion in Anesthesiology
1993 – 2001
Associate Editor, Yearbook of Anesthesiology and Pain Management
2000- present
Journal Reviewer, Mayo Clinics Proceedings
2008- present
Journal Reviewer, Journal of Critical Care
1999 - present
Journal Reviewer, Anesthesiology
1996 - present
Journal Reviewer, Intensive Care Medicine
1996 - present
Journal Reviewer, Critical Care Medicine
1995 - present
Journal Reviewer, Anesthesia & Analgesia
1992 - present
Journal Reviewer, Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
1991 - present
Journal Reviewer, Chest
1991 - present
Journal Reviewer, Journal of American Medical Association
1991 - present
Journal Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
Professional Invitations
Invited Lectures
- Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, June 1984.
- Preoperative Evaluation of Renal Dysfunction. Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, September 1987.
- Recognition and Treatment of Postoperative Dysrhythmias. Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Post Anesthesia Care Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, May 1988.
- Director, ACLS Course. Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, May 1988.
- Ephedrine for Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting. Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia, San Antonio, Texas, April 1989.
- Update on CPR/ACLS. Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Post Anesthesia Care Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, May1989.
- Director ACLS Course. Martha Washington Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, August 1989.
- The Role of the Anesthesiologist in the ICU. Cook County Review Course for Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, September 1989.
- Endotracheally-Administered Midazolam Abolishes Seizures in a Pilocarpine-Induced Model of Status Epilepticus. American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologist, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1989.
- Acid-Base Interpretation in the Recovery Room. American Health Institute Symposium for Recovery Care Nurses, Chicago, Illinois, November 1989.
- Anesthetic Considerations in the ICU: Clinical Update in Critical Care Medicine. Society of Critical Care Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, February1990.
- Fluid and Electrolyte Consideration in the Urologic Patient. Cook County Review Course for Urology, Chicago, Illinois, May 1990.
- Director, ACLS Course. Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, May 1990.
- Perioperative Evaluation of Renal Function. Osler Institute-Anesthesia Review Course, Chicago, Illinois July 1990.
- Acid-Base Physiology. Osler Institute-Anesthesia Review Course, Chicago, Illinois, July 1990.
- Preoperative Management of the Urologic Patient with Hyponatremia. Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, August 1990.
- Perioperative Management of Cerebral Aneurysms. Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, October 1990.
- Acid-Base Physiology, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 1991.
- Perioperative Evaluation of Renal Function, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 1991.
- Update on CPR and ACLS, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 1991.
- Perioperative Evaluation of Renal Function, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, San Diego, California, April 1991.
- Update on CPR and ACLS, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, San Diego, California, April 1991.
- Postoperative Care of the Vascular Surgery Patient. Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Postanesthesia Care Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, May 1991.
- Director, ACLS Course, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, May 1991
- Anesthetic Consideration in Critical Care: Control of Oxygen Consumption. Cook County Review Course for Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, September 1991.
- Perioperative Evaluation of Renal Function, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Tampa, Florida, October 1991.
- Update on CPR and ACLS, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Tampa, Florida, October 1991.
- Acid Base Physiology, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, February 1992.
- Update on CPR and ACLS, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, February 1992.
- Perioperative Evaluation of Renal Function, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, February 1992.
- Anesthesia for Cerebral Aneurysms, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, February 1992.
- Control of Oxygen Consumption: Anesthetic considerations. Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, May, 1992.
- Perioperative Assessment of Renal Function, Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 1992.
- Update on CPR and ACLS, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Chicago, Illinois, July 1992.
- Perioperative Evaluation of Renal Function, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Chicago, Illinois, July 1992.
- Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders in the OR, American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1992. (Panel Discussion)
- ACLS Update, American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1992. (Moderator, Panel Discussion)
- Anesthesia for Cerebral Aneurysm, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Seattle, Washington, April 1993.
- Perioperative Evaluation of Renal Function, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Seattle, Washington, April 1993.
- ACLS Update, Osler Institute Anesthesia Review Course, Seattle, Washington, April 1993.
- Control of Oxygen Consumption in the ICU, Critical Care Grand Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, March, 1993.
- Control of Oxygen Consumption in the ICU, Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Cook County Hospital, April 1993.
- Ethical Considerations in Anesthesia, Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 1993.
- Management of Anxiety in the ICU, New York, New York, June 1993. (Panel Discussion)
- Perioperative Evaluation of Renal Function, Osler Institute, Chicago, Illinois, July, 1993.
- Physician-Assisted Death, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Washington D.C. October, 1993.
- Control of Oxygen Consumption in the ICU, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Washington D.C., October 1993 (Moderator, Panel Discussion).
- Ethical Considerations in Anesthesia, Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, University of Illinois, November 1993.
- Perioperative Assessment of Oliguria, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists, Chicago, Illinois, November 1993.
- Anesthesia Considerations in the ICU (Moderator and Speaker for Panel Discussion), Chicago, Illinois, February 1994.
- Critical Care for the Neurosurgical Patient, Department of Neurosurgery, Rush University Medical Center, February, 1994.
- Metabolic Acid-Base Disorders: "Base Excessiveness", American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, CA, October 1994 (Panel Discussion).
- Ethical Issues in Anesthesia, American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, CA, October 1994 (Panel Discussion).
- Intra and Postoperative Care of the Patient with Vascular Disease, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1994 (Moderator, Panel Discussion).
- DNR Orders, Jehovah's Witness: Special Issues, New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Post Graduate Assembly, New York, NY, December 1994 (Panel Discussion).
- The Jehovah's Witness Patient: Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, Rush University Medical Center, February 1995.
- Ethical Considerations for the Anesthesiologist, Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, Cook County Hospital, February 1995.
- Metabolic Acid-Base Disorders, Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, Cook County Hospital, February 1995.
- Ethical Considerations in the Operating Room, St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, Illinois, April, 1995.
- Perioperative DNR Orders - Midwest Anesthesia Conference/Post Anesthesia Care Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 1995.
- Ethical Considerations for the Anesthesiologist, ASA Regional Refresher Course, Chicago, Illinois, September, 1995.
- Critical Care of the Patient with Renal Dysfunction, ASA Regional Refresher Course, Chicago, Illinois, September, 1995.
- The Jehovah’s Witness Patient (Problem Based Learning Discussions), ASA, Atlanta, GA, October 1995.
- Ethics/Geriatric Clinical Forum - ASA, Atlanta, GA, October 1995 (Moderator).
- Perioperative Management of the Patient with Renal Dysfunction. Anesthesia Grand Rounds, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, March 1996.
- Sedation, Analgesia and Muscle Relaxation in Critically Ill Patients, Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Cook County Hospital, April 1996.
- Ethical Considerations for the Anesthesiologist, Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 1996.
- Anxiolysis, Analgesia, Muscle Relaxation in the ICU. Second Annual Critical Care Symposium, American College of Chest Physicians, Northbrook, Illinois, August 1996.
- DNR in the OR. Grand Rounds Rush North Shore Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, August 1996.
- The Jehovah’s Witness Patient (Problem Based Learning Discussions) ASA. New Orleans, LA, October 1996.
- TUR Syndrome. Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. Oak Brook, IL, November 1996.
- Ethics of Resuscitation. Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, February 1997.
- Perioperative Management of Hyponatremia. Anesthesiology Grand Rounds. Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Hospital, July 1997.
- Ethical Anesthetic Management of the Jehovah’s Witness. ASA Workshop on Practical Bioethics for the Anesthesiologist. Boston, MA, July 1997.
- An Anesthesiologist’s Perspective on Physician-Assisted Death. ASA Workshop on Practical Bioethics for the Anesthesiologist. Boston, MA, July 1997.
- Acute Acid-Base Disturbances in the ICU. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Chicago, IL, August 1997.
- Perioperative Management of the Patient with Renal Dysfunction. ASCCA. Chicago, IL, August 1997.
- Recognition and Management of Acid-Base Disorders. ASCCA. Chicago, IL, August 1997.
- Physician Assisted Suicide, Clinical Forum, ASA, San Diego, CA, October 1997.
- The Jehovah’s Witness Patient (PBLD), ASA, San Diego, CA, October 1997.
- Sedation Analgesia and Muscle Relaxation in the ICU. Minnesota Society of Medicine, Minneapolis, MN, November 1997.
- Perioperative DNR Orders – Hennepin Co. Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, November 1997.
- Acute Acid-Base Disturbances in the ICU. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Chicago, IL, August 1998.
- Sedation, Analgesia and Neuromuscular Blockade. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Chicago, IL, August 1998.
- The Jehovah’s Witness Patient (PBLD), ASA, Orlando, FL, October 1998.
- Hyponatremic Syndromes – ASA, Orlando, FL, October 1998.
- Ethics Clinical Forum – ASA, Orlando, FL, October 1998.
- A New Look at Sedation and Analgesia: Emergency Department and the ICU. Critical Care and Emergency Medicine 1998. Orlando, FL, November 1998.
- Prevention and Management of Renal Failure. Critical Care and Emergency Medicine 1998. Orlando, FL, November 1998.
- Sedation, Analgesia and Muscle Relaxation in Critically Ill Patients. Chicago Medical Society, Chicago, IL, December 1998.
- Airway Management for Patients with Intracranial Hypertension. SCCM Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 1999.
- Perioperative Renal Dysfunction. Grand Rounds, Department of Anesthesia, Penn State University, Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, January 1999.
- Perioperative Renal Dysfunction. Grand Rounds Department of Anesthesiology, Roosevelt St. Luke’s Medical Center, Columbia University, NY, February 1999.
- Perioperative Hyponatremia. Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Chicago, IL, May 1999.
- Ethics “Round Table” – Moderator, Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Chicago, IL, May 1999.
- Airway Management for the Patient with Intracranial Hypertension. Grand Rounds, Department of Anesthesia, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 1999.
- Airway Management for the Patient with Intracranial Hypertension. Grand Rounds Department of Anesthesiology, Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, IL 1999.
- Nonpharmacologic Management of Sleep Deprivation and Anxiety in the Critically Ill Patient. American Society of Anesthesiologists, Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 1999.
- Perioperative Renal Protection. ASA Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 1999.
- Critical Care Clinical Forum. ASA Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 1999.
- The Jehovah’s Witness Patient (PBLD), ASA, Dallas, TX, October 1999.
- Ethics. Annual Refresher Course, SCCM, Orlando, Florida, February 2000.
- Ethics Panel Discussion. Issues regarding DNR. SCCM, Orlando, Florida, February 2000.
- Perioperative Management of Renal Dysfunction. Visiting Professorship Northwestern University, Dept. of Anesthesiology. March 2000.
- Ethical Considerations for the Critically Ill Patient. Arthur Shima Memorial Grand Rounds. West Suburban Hospital. April 2000.
- Ethical Considerations for the Critically Ill Patient. Mayo Clinic, Dept. of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds. August 2000
- Organizing Critical Care Services. American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists Breakfast Panel, San Francisco, CA, October 2000. Moderator.
- Ethics Clinical Forum. ASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2000.
- Perioperative DNR Order. Grand Rounds, Department of Anesthesiology, Rush University Medical Center, January 2001.
- Perioperative DNR Order. Grand Rounds. Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology – University of Chicago , May 2001
- Management of Sleep Deprivation and Anxiety in the Critically Ill Patient. St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, IL, January 2002.
- Ethical Considerations for the Critically Ill Patient, Annual Refresher Course Lecture, Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Antonio, TX. February, 2003.
- Perioperative Management of Renal Dysfunction. University of Wisconsin Dept. of Anesthesiology. Madison, WI. February 2003.
- Ethical Considerations for the Critically Ill Patient. Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists. Madison, WI. February, 2003.
- Ethical Considerations for the Critically Ill Patient. Loyola University, Dept. of Anesthesiology. Maywood, IL. April 2003.
- Perioperative Renal Dysfunction: Recognition, Management and Treatment. Loyola University, Dept of Anesthesiology. Maywood, IL. April 2003.
- Ethical Considerations for the Critically Ill Patient. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Chicago, IL. August 2003.
- Clinical Forum – Critical Care ASA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. October 2003.
- Ethics Panel. ASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. October 2003.
- Perioperative DNR Order. Dept. of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds. RUMC February 2004.
- Perioperative Management of the Jehovah’s Witness Patient. Grand Rounds Dept. of Pediatrics. RUMC July 2004.
- Ethical Considerations for the Critically Ill Patient. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Chicago, IL. August 2004.
- Management of Pain, Anxiety and Sleep Deprivation. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Chicago, IL. August 2004.
- Renal Failure in the ICU. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. Aspen, Colorado. March 2005.
- Arterial Blood Gas Analysis. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. Aspen, Colorado. March 2005.
- Jehovah’s Witness and Heart Surgery. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. Aspen, Colorado. March 2005.
- Ethics Panel Discussion ASA Annual Meeting: The Perioperative DNR Order. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2005. Speaker and Moderator.
- Ethics Clinical Forum ASA Annual Meeting. Non-Heart Beating Organ Donation. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2005.
- Perioperative DNR orders. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. Whistler, BC, Canada. March, 2006
- Sleep Deprivation in Critically Ill Patients. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. Whistler, BC. March, 2006.
- Ethics Panel Discussion ASA Annual Meeting: The Role of the Anesthesiologist in Lethal Injection. Chicago, IL October, 2006.
- Ethics Panel Discussion ASA Annual Meeting: Palliative Care in the ICU. Chicago, IL, October, 2006.
- Work Hours and Standards for Anesthesiologists- Lessons Learned from the Residency Work Hour Mandates. ASA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October, 2006.
- Perioperative Management of Hypoperfusion: Workshop. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. Whistler, BC, Canada. March 2007.
- Ethics Panel Discussion ASA Annual Meeting: Perioperative DNR order. San Francisco, CA, October, 2007.
- Ethics Clinical Forum (Moderator) ASA Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA, October, 2007.
- Sedation and Analgesia in the ICU. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Honolulu, Hawaii, February, 2008.
- Novel Approaches to Sedation and Analgesia in the ICU. Texas Tech University, May, 2008.
- Ethics Panel Discussion ASA Annual Meeting: Withdrawal vs. Euthanasia, Orlando, FLA, October, 2008
- Critical Care Panel Discussion ASA Annual Meeting: Perioperative DNR Order, Orlando, FLA, October, 2008
- Ethics Clinical Forum(Moderator) ASA Annual Meeting:, Orlando, FLA, October, 2008
- The Perioperative DNR Order. UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, NJ. November 2008
- Novel Approach to Sedation and Analgesia in the ICU. RUMC, Dept. of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds. October, 2008.
- The Perioperative DNR Order. RUMC, Dept of Neurosurgery, Grand Rounds. December, 2008
- Novel Approach to Sedation and Analgesia in the ICU. University of Minnesota, Dept. of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds. June, 2009.
- The Perioperative DNR Order. University of Minnesota, Dept. of Anesthesiology, June, 2009.
- Bicarbonate: Friend or Foe. ASA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October, 2009.
- Withdrawal vs. Euthanasia ASA Annual Meeting, Ethics Panel. New Orleans, October, 2009.
- Airway Management for Patient’s with Neurological Emergencies. Society of Critical Care Medicine, Miami, January 2010.
- The Perioperative DNR Order. St. Josephs Hospital Chicago, IL Grand Rounds Department of Internal Medicine. 2010.
- Ethical and Medical Considerations for the Perioperative Care of the Jehovah’s Witness Patient. Northwest Community Hospital, Grand Rounds April 2010.
- Perioperative Sedation. Mercy Health Partners. Muskegon, Michigan. October, 2010.
- Bicarbonate: Friend or Foe. ASA Annual Meeting, San Diego, October, 2010.
- Bringing the Neuro ICU to the OR. ASA Annual Meeting, San Diego, October, 2010.
- Bicarbonate: Friend or Foe. Department of Anesthesiology, University of Iowa. November 2010
- The Perioperative DNR Order. University of Iowa Grand Rounds Department of Anesthesiology. November 2010.
- Non-Invasive Ventilation Post-Extubation: Preventing or Postponing the Endotracheal Tube. Society of Critical Care Annual Meeting. San Diego CA. January, 2011.
- The Perioperative Management of the Jehovah’s Witness Patient. University of Oklahoma Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds. March 2011.
- The Perioperative DNR Order. University of Oklahoma Anesthesia/Critical Care Conference. March 2011.
- Bicarbonate: Friend or Foe? University of Oklahoma Anesthesia/Critical Care Conference. March 2011.
- Pro: Anesthesiologists Should Participate in Physician-Assisted Death. ASA Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 2011.
- Bicarbonate: Friend or Foe. ASA Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 2011.
- The Perioperative DNR Order. Midwest Anesthesia Conference. McQuiston Award Presentation. November 2011.
- The Cool Hand Luke Syndrome: Failure to Communicate the Perioperative DNR Order. International Conference on Education in Ethics. Pittsburgh, PA. May, 2012.
- Perioperative DNR Order. NorthShore University Health Care-Evanston. July, 2012
- The Perioperative DNR Order. University of Southern California. September, 2012.
- Perioperative Electrolyte Abnormalities. (Moderator) ASA Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. October, 2012.
- Perioperative DNR Order. Case Western Reserve University. August, 2013.
- Perioperative Fluids and Electrolytes. ASA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, October, 2013.
- Changing Roles of Anesthesiologists: Impacting Education, Creating Modern Curricula, Modifying Residences and Taking the Lead in the Surgical Home. ASA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, October, 2013.
- Bicarbonate: Friend of Foe? Grand Rounds Department of Anesthesiology University Northshore-Evanston Hospital. January 2014.
- Utilizing the Khan Academy for Residency Training. Society of Academic Anesthesiology Associations. Chicago. November, 2014.
- Perioperative DNR Order. University of Miami. March 2015.
- Perioperative DNR Order. Medical University of South Carolina. May 2015.
- Medical Futility in the OR. Perioperative Medicine Summit. Scottsdale, AZ. February 2016.
- Anesthesiology Considerations for the Non-Anesthesiologist. Perioperative Medicine Summit. Scottsdale, AZ. February 2016.
- Perioperative DNR Order. Perioperative Anesthesia Conference. Community Hospital, Munster, IN. October, 2016.
- End-of-Life Issues. Keynote Address for Journey Care. Glenview, IL October 2016.
- Final Word on Understanding Metabolic Acidosis. ASA Chicago, IL October, 2016.
- Perioperative DNR Order. Perioperative Medicine Summit. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. March 2017.
Visiting Professorships
March 13 - 14, 1996
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Washington, Seattle, WAJanuary 13 – 14, 1999
Department of Anesthesiology
Penn State University, Hershey, PAFebruary 23 - 24, 1999
Department of Anesthesiology
St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital, NYMarch 10, 2000
Department of Anesthesiology
Northwestern University, Chicago, ILAugust 22-23, 2000
Department of Anesthesiology
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MNOctober 10, 2002
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MIFebruary 3-4, 2003
Department of Anesthesiology
Ralph Waters Visiting Professorship
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WIApril 22-23, 2003
Department of Anesthesiology
Loyola University
Maywood, ILSeptember 23, 2004
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MISeptember 19-20, 2006
Department of Anesthesiology
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WIMarch 7-8, 2007
Department of Anesthesiology
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, PASeptember 10-11, 2007
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Colorado
Denver, CODecember 4-5, 2007
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Massachusetts
Worcester, MAMay 23, 2008
Department of Anesthesiology
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TXNovember 11-12, 2008
Department of Anesthesiology
UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Camden, NJJune 29-30, 2009
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MNAugust 18-19, 2010
Department of Anesthesiology
Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, MANovember 15-16, 2010
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IowaMarch 24-25, 2011
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, OKSeptember 20-21, 2012
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CAAugust 20-21, 2013
Department of Anesthesiology
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OhioMarch 25-26, 2015
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Miami
Miami, FloridaMay 18-19, 2015
Department of Anesthesiology
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, South CarolinaApril 4-5, 2017
Department of Anesthesiology
Henry Ford Health System
Detroit, MIMay 16-17, 2017
Department of Anesthesiology
Wayne State University
Detroit, MIMay 24-25, 2017
Department of Anesthesiology
Tufts University Medical Center
Boston, MA2017
Distinguished Service Award, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists
William O. McQuiston, MD Award, Illinois Society of Anesthesiologists
Presidential Citation, Society of Critical Care Medicine
Fellow, Institute of Medicine of Chicago
America’s Top Anesthesiologists –Consumer Research Council of America
Max S. Sadove, MD Professor of Anesthesiology (Endowed Chair)
Hero of the Heart Award, RUMC Department of Religion
America’s Top Physicians
Best Doctors in America
Katalin Selmeczi Award
Rush University Medical Center
Department of Anesthesiology2000
Strathmore's Who's Who Millennium Edition
Member, Association of University Anesthesiologists
Fellow, American College of Critical Care Medicine
1994 - 1995
Rush University Surgical Sciences and Services
Outstanding Specialty Attending Award
Rush University Medical Center1993 - 1994
Rush University Surgical Sciences and Services
Outstanding Specialty Attending Award
Rush University Medical Center1990 - 1991
Rush University Surgical Sciences and Services
Outstanding Specialty Attending Award
Rush University Medical Center1989
William Gottschalk, M.D.
Resident's Appreciation Award
Rush University Medical Center
Department of Anesthesiology1987
A.A. Goldsmith Award for Humanism
Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center
School of Health Sciences1987
Robert D. Dripps, M.D., Memorial Award
Outstanding Graduate Resident in Anesthesiology
Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center1986 – 1987
Chief Resident
Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center
Department of Anesthesiology1984 - 1985
Chief Resident
Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center
Department of Internal Medicine
Books/Editorial Board
- Current Concepts in Cardiac Resuscitation: Rothenberg DM, (ed.) Anesthesiology Clinics of North America W.B. Saunders 1995; 13:751-1035.
- Yearbook of Anesthesiology and Pain Management: Tinker JH, Abram SA, Chestnut DH, Roizen MF, Rothenberg DM, Wood M, (eds.) Mosby-Year Book, Inc. (1994 - 2001).
- Current Opinion in Anesthesiology: Barash P. (ed) Rothenberg DM, Section Editor for Ethics, Economics and Outcomes. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2013& 2014.
- Rothenberg DM: The Approach to the Jehovah's Witness Patient. In Hemorrhagic Disorders in the Operating Room. Anesthesiology Clinics of North America, Spiess B. (ed.) W.B. Saunders 1990;589-607.
- Rothenberg DM: Acid-Base Abnormalities. In Postanesthesia Care. Vender J., Spiess B. (eds.) W.B. Saunders 1992;94-108.
- Rothenberg DM, Goldin MD: Cardiovascular Pharmacology in the Critical Care Unit. In Current Surgical Therapy. Cameron J (ed.) Mosby -Yearbook 1992;984-991.
- Rothenberg DM: Anesthetic Management For Thoracic Aortic Surgery. In Aneurysms of the Thoracic Aorta. Chest Surgery Clinics of North America. Najafi H. (ed.) W.B. Saunders 1992;241-250.
- Rothenberg DM: Ethical Issues in the Operating Room. In Clinical Anesthesia Updates. Barash PG, Cullen RK, Stoelting (eds.) J.B. Lippincott 1993;1-11.
- Rothenberg DM: Anesthesia. In Rush University Review of Surgery. Economou S, Bines S, Deziel D, Witt T (eds.) W.B. Saunders 1994;121-124.
- Rothenberg DM: Ethical Considerations for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. In Current Concepts in Cardiac Resuscitation. Anesthesiology Clinics of North America. Rothenberg DM (ed.) W.B. Saunders, 1995;13:999-1016.
- Jackson S, Palmer S, Van Norman G, Fine PG, Rothenberg DM et al: Ethical Issues in Anesthesia. In Advances in Anesthesia. Lake CL, Rice LJ, Sperry RJ (eds.) Mosby-Yearbook, 1997;14:227-260, 1997.
- Rothenberg DM: Preoperative Evaluation. In Common Surgical Diseases: An Algorithmic Approach to Problem Solving. Millikan KW, Saclarides TJ (eds). Springer, 1997;15-18.
- Rothenberg DM: Assessing Preoperative Cardiac Risk in Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery. In Common Surgical Diseases: An Algorithmic Approach to Problem Solving. Millikan KW, Saclarides TJ (eds). Springer, 1997;2-5.
- Rothenberg DM: Acid-Base Disorders. In Multidisciplinary Critical Care Review. Roberts PR (ed). Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1998:271-290.
- Rothenberg DM: Sedation, Analgesia and Neuromuscular Blockade. In Multidisciplinary Critical Care Review. Roberts (ed). Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1998;319-328.
- Rothenberg DM: Informed Consent for Jehovah’s Witnesses. In Syllabus on Ethics. Waisel DB, Van Norman GA (eds). American Society of Anesthesiologists Publication, 1998:01-011.
- Rothenberg DM: Acute Pancreatitis. In Complications in Anesthesia. Atlee J (ed.) W.B. Saunders, 1999;478-481.
- Rothenberg DM: Postoperative Renal Dysfunction. In Problems in Anesthesia: PACU and Anesthetic Management Afifi S, Rosenbaum S. (eds). Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2000;12:314-325.
- Rothenberg DM, Tuman KJ: The Pulmonary Artery Catheter- What the Literature Really Says. In International Anesthesiology Clinics. Maccioli GA (ed.) Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2000;38:171-187.
- Rothenberg DM, Barboi C: Airway Management and Endotracheal Intubation. In Critical Care Medicine: Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult. 2nd Edition. Parrillo JE, Dellinger RP (eds.) Saunders Mosby-Yearbook, 2001;16-35.
- O'Connor CJ, Rothenberg DM, Tuman KJ: Anesthesia and the Hepatobiliary System. In Anesthesia. Ed Miller RD (6th ed) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005: 2209-2229.
- Rothenberg DM: Acute Pancreatitis. In Complications in Anesthesia. Atlee J (ed.) W.B. Saunders, (2nd ed) 2006.
- Rothenberg DM: Kidney. In Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Principles and Practice.(3rd ed) Gravlee, G, Davis RF, Stammer, AH and Ungerleider R. (eds). Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2007. 338-351.
- Sutton R, Rothenberg DM: Ultrafiltration and Dialysis. In Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Principles and Practice. (3rd ed) Gravlee G, Davis RF, Stammer AH, and Ungerleider R. (eds). Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2007. 114-127.
- Rothenberg DM, Loh-Trivedi M: Perioperative Care of the Diabetic Patient. eMedicine. May, 2006.
- Rothenberg DM. Hypertonic Saline Resuscitation. In Cased –Based Anesthesia. Shorten G, Dierdorf SF, Iohom G, O’Connor CJ, Hogue CW (eds) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 48-50.
- Rothenberg DM. Preoperative Liver Function Test Abnormalities. In Cased-Based Anesthesia. Shorten G, Dierdorf SF, Iohom G, O’Connor CJ, Hogue CW (eds). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 51-54.
- Croley WC, Schwenzer KJ, Rothenberg DM. Family Support and Ethics Issues. In Residents’ Guide to Learning in the Intensive Care Unit. American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists. Talmor D &Heard S (eds) 2009.
- Rothenberg DM. What is the DNR Order and How Does it Apply to the Patient Undergoing Anesthesia and Surgery? In: Critical Care Ethics: A Practice Guide. Kummer HB, Thompson DR (eds) (2nd Ed) Society of Critical Care Medicine. 2009. 193-200.
- Loh-Trivedi M, Rothenberg DM: Perioperative Care of the Diabetic Patient. eMedicine August, 2009.
- Rothenberg DM, O'Connor CJ, Tuman KJ: Anesthesia and the Hepatobiliary System. In Anesthesia. Miller RD (Ed) (7th ed) Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010, 2135-2154.
- Rothenberg DM. DNR Orders in the Patient Undergoing Anesthesia and Surgery and at the End-of-Life. In: Clinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook. Van Norman G et al (eds). Cambridge University Press 2011.
- Loh-Trivedi M, Rothenberg DM. Perioperative Management of the Diabetic Patient. eMedicine from WebMD. Updated March 29, 2011. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/284451-overview.
- Rothenberg DM, Cocoma S: Acute Acid-Base Disorders. In Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult. Roberts PR, Todd SR (eds). 2012, 623-640. Society of Critical Care Medicine.
- Rothenberg DM, O'Connor CJ, Tuman KJ: Anesthesia and the Hepatobiliary System. In Anesthesia. Miller RD (Ed) (8th ed) Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. 2015: 2244-2261.
- Rothenberg DM. What Are the Ethical Issues with the Perioperative DNR Order? In Critical Care Ethics a Practice Guide. Thompson DR, Kaufman D. (eds). 2014:215-220. Society of Critical Care Medicine.
- de la Cruz A, Rothenberg DM: Kidney Function and CPB. In Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Mechanical Support: Principles and Practice.(4th ed) Gravlee, G, Davis RF, Hammon J, Kussman B. (eds). Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2016. 369-383.
- Sutton R, Rothenberg DM: Ultrafiltration and Dialysis. In Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Mechanical Support: Principles and Practice. (4th ed) Gravlee G, Davis RF, Hammon J, Kussman B(eds). Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2016. 109-122.
- Shayegan B, Rothenberg DM: Perioperative Care and Anesthesia. In Rush Review of Surgery. (6th Ed) Myers, J et al (Eds). Elsevier, 2017. Chapter 6. (In Press).
- Shayegan B, Rothenberg DM: Anesthesia. In Rush Review of Surgery. (6th Ed) Myers, J et al (Eds). Elsevier, 2017. Chapter 7. (In Press).
- Bhatia A, Rothenberg DM: Acute Acid-Base Disorders. In Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult(2nd Ed). Roberts, PR, Todd SR (Eds). Society of Critical Medicine. 2017. (In Press).
Original Contributions
Peer Reviewed
- Parnass SM, Rothenberg DM, Kerchberger J, et al: Single bolus dose esmolol in the prevention of intubation-induced tachycardia and hypertension in an ambulatory surgery unit. J Clin Anesth 1990;2(4):232-237.
- Rothenberg DM, Parnass SM, Litwack K, McCarthy RJ, Newman LM: The efficacy of ephedrine in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg 1991;72:58-61.
- Franklin CM, Rothenberg DM: Do-not-resuscitate orders in the presurgical patient. J Clin Anesth 1992;48:181-184.
- Carroll G, Rothenberg DM: Carbon Dioxide Narcosis: "Pathological or Pathillogical?" Chest 1992;102:986-988 (Editorial).
- O’Connor CJ, Rothenberg DM: Anesthetic considerations for descending thoracic aortic surgery: (Part I). J Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1995;9:581-588.
- O’Connor CJ, Rothenberg DM: Anesthetic considerations for descending thoracic aortic surgery: (Part II). J Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1995;9:734-747.
- O’Connor CJ, Rothenberg DM, et al: The effect of esmolol pretreatment on the incidence of regional wall motion abnormalities during electroconvulsive therapy. Anesth Analg 1996;82:143-147.
- Rothenberg DM, McCarthy RJ, Peng CC, Normoyle DA. Nausea and vomiting after dexamethasone versus droperidol following outpatient laparoscopy with a propofol-based anesthetic. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1998;42:637-642.
- Lewis KS, Rothenberg DM. Neuromuscular blockade in the intensive care unit. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1999;56:72-75.
- Lewis KS, Santucci VN, Normoyle DL, Rothenberg DM: Prolonged neuromuscular blockade associated with rocuronium. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1999;56:1114-1118.
- Zajtchuk JT, McLaughlin M, Jacob SK, Rothenberg DM Rush Medical College Acad Med 2000;75:S107-111.
- Devita MA, Webb SA, Hurford WE, Truog RD, Wlody GS, Hayden CT, Sprung CL, Brilli RJ, Beals DA, Rothenberg DM, et al: Position Paper by the Ethics Committee, American College of Critical Care Medicine, Society of Critical Care Medicine. Recommendations for nonheartbeating organ donation. Crit Care Med 2001;29:1826-1831.
- Truog RD, Cist AFM, Brackett SE, Burns JP, Curley MAQ, Danis M, DeVita MA, Rosenbaum SH, Rothenberg DM et al. Recommendations for end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: The Ethics Committee of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Crit Care Med 2001;29:2332-2348.
- Croley C, Rothenberg DM. Education of Trainees in the Intensive Care Unit. In: Organizational and Corporate Education in the Intensive Care Unit. Rosenbaum S (ed). Crit Care Med 2007; 35:S117-121.
- Musacchio MJ, Smith AP, McNeal CA, Munoz L, Rothenberg DM, von Roenn KA, Byrne RW. Neuro-Critical Care Skills Training Using a Human Patient Simulator. Neurocrit Care 2010 13; 169-175.
- Vercorlone LW, dela Cruz, A., Archibald T, Thompson, RE, Rothenberg, DM: Anesthesia Considerations for the Hospitalist. Hosp Med Clin. 2016. 281-302.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Litwack, K, Rothenberg DM: Updates on basic and advanced cardiac life support. Journal of Post Anesthesia Nursing 1989;4(6):377-381.
- Rothenberg DM, Parnass S, El-Ganzouri A: A method of oxygen insufflation during fiberoptic intubation. J Clin Anesth 1989;1(6):472-474. (letter)
- Parnass S, Rothenberg DM, Fischer R, Ivankovich AD: Spinal anesthesia and mini-dose heparin. JAMA 1990;263(11):1496. (letter).
- Rothenberg DM, Ivankovich, AD: Asymptomatic hyponatremia does not require rapid correction. Anesthesiology 1990;72:397. (letter)
- Rothenberg DM, Berns AS: Excess ADH and oliguria in patients with normal renal function: Anesthesiology 1990;73:583-584. (letter)
- Spiess BD, Rothenberg DM, Buckley S: Complete airway obstruction of armored endotracheal tubes. Anesth Analg 1991;73:95-96. (letter).
- Rothenberg DM, Ivankovich AD: Recognition and management of the transurethral resection syndrome. Int Rev Anesth 1991;1(2):171-174.
- Franklin C, Rothenberg DM: Perioperative suspension of the DNR order: the role of postoperative withdrawal of life support. JAMA 1992;267:1465. (letter)
- Franklin C, Rothenberg DM: DNR orders in the operating room. N Eng J Med 1992;326:1571-1572. (letter)
- Rothenberg DM: The DNR Order - Application in the OR vs the ICU. American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologist’s, Newsletter 1993;5.
- Balestrieri FJ, Rothenberg DM: Jehovah's Witness and Blood Product Transfusion, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Newsletter 1994;58:18-20.
- Bone RC, Hayden WR, Levine RL, Rothenberg DM, et al: Recognition, Assessment, and Treatment of Anxiety in the Critical Care Patient. Disease-a-Month 1995;XLI(5):293-36
- Rothenberg DM: The proper diagnosis and treatment of the TURS requires more than esophageal Doppler. Anesth & Analg. 2009 ; 108:1048-1049. (letter)
- Rothenberg DM: Ethics, economics and outcomes. (editorial) Current Opinion in Anesthesiology. 2013
- Rothenberg DM: Ethics, economics and outcomes. (editorial) Current Opinion in Anesthesiology. 2014
Case Reports
- Rothenberg DM, Brandt TD, D'Cruz I: Computed tomography of renal angiomyolipoma presenting as right atrial mass. JCAT 1986;10(6):1054-1056.
- Rothenberg DM, Berns AS, Ivankovich AD: Isotonic hyponatremia following transurethral resection: Case reports and a review of the literature. J Clin Anesth 1990;2(1)48-53.
- Rothenberg DM, Berns AS, Barkin R, Glantz RH: Bromide intoxication secondary to pyridostigmine bromide therapy. JAMA 1990;253(8):1121-1122.
- Rothenberg DM, Moy JN: Anaphylactic reaction to topical bovine thrombin. Anesthesiology 1993;78:779-782.
- Stang KN, Yeu E, Rothenberg DM, Mizen TR et al. Unusual presentation of perioperative ischemic optic neuropathy following major spine surgery. J Clin Anesth 2010;22:52-55.
- Mangal V, Rajagopal A, Rothenberg DM. Unusual presentation of myasthenia gravis following cervical spine surgery. International Anesthesiology Clinics 2011;49:71-73.
- Mahzar F, Rothenberg DM. Lactic Acidosis during Anesthesia for Glioblastoma Multiforme Resection: The Warburg Effect. Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Submitted 2017.
- Rothenberg DM, Ivankovich AD: Isotonic hyponatremia during transurethral prostate resection. Anesth Analg 1989;68:S240.
- Rothenberg DM, Parnass S, Newman L, Litwack K, Ivankovich AD: Ephedrine minimizes postoperative nausea and vomiting in outpatients. Anesthesiology 1989;71:A322.
- Parnass S, Rothenberg DM, Kerchberger J, Ivankovich AD: Single dose esmolol for prevention of hemodynamic changes of intubation in ambulatory surgery unit Anesthesiology 1989;12.
- Rothenberg DM, Jones D, Dainauskas JD, McCarthy R: The anticonvulsant and pulmonary effect of endotracheally-administered midazolam in a model of status epilepticus. Anesthesiology 1990;A233.
- Rothenberg DM, Franklin C, McCarthy R, Ivankovich AD: Do-not-resuscitate orders in the presurgical patient: a study of U.S. anesthesiology department policies. Anesthesiology 1991;75:A907.
- Rothenberg DM, McCarthy RJ: Anesthesiologist's perspective on physician-assisted death: A survey of anesthesiologists in the United States. Anesthesiology 1992;77:A1082.
- O'Connor CJ, Rothenberg DM, Soble JS, et al: Regional wall motion abnormalities during ECT: effect of esmolol pre-treatment. Anesth Analg 1995;80:S352.
- Rothenberg DM, Peng C, Normoyle D, et al: Dexamethasone minimizes postoperative nausea and vomiting in outpatients. Anesth Analg 1996;82:S388.
- Rothenberg DM, Colombo J, Knox S, Ivankovich A: Anesthesiologists as perioperative physicians: practicing what is preached. Anesthesiology 1998;89:A83.
- Jacobsohn E, Klock PA and the Oral Board Examiners Group: A Comparison of Scores on a Standardized Oral Examination by American and Canadian Examiners. Anesthesiology 1998;89:A63.
- Jacobsohn E, Klock, PA and the Oral Board Examiners Group: Teaching Communication, Case-Analysis, and Oral Examination Skills to Anesthesiology Resident: The Effect of Oral Examination Board Scores. Anesthesiology 1998;89:A64.
- Klock PA, Jacobsohn E and the Oral Board Examiners Group: Inter-Rater Reliability of Oral Board Examinations with American and Canadian Examiners. Anesthesiology 1998;89:A66.
- Porembka D, Rothenberg D, Gunther J, Klock PA: Comparison of Scores on a Standardized Oral Examination by American and Canadian Examiners. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, September 1998.
- Jacobsohn E, Brownell L, Reimer H, Friesen D, Porembka, Rothenberg D, Gunther J, Klock PA: Teaching Oral Examination and Communication Skills to Anaesthesia Residents in Training: Effect on Scores by Blinded American and Canadian Examiners. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, September 1998.
- Jacobsohn E, Brownell L, Reimer H, Friesen D, Porembka, Rothenberg D, Gunther J, Klock PA: Interrater Reliability of Anaesthesia Oral Examinations with American and Canadian Examiners. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, September 1998.
- Jacobsohn E, Brownell L, Reimer H, Friesen D, Porembka, Rothenberg D, Gunther J, Klock PA: How Good are Anaesthesia Residents at Self-assessment of Oral Examination Performance? Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, September 1998.
- Rothenberg DM, Colombo JA, Albu LL, McCarthy RJ. Performance of an on-demand blood gas monitor in surgical intensive care unit patients. Crit Care Med 1999;27:A114.
- Lewis KS, McCarthy RJ, Rothenberg DM. Does melatonin decrease sedative use and time to extubation in patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation? Anesth Analg 1999;88:S123.
- Rothenberg DM, Valika B, Reineck JR: Assessment of Patient’s Perioperative Spirituality Needs. Anesthesiology 2000;93:A1185.
- Lewis KS, Colombo JA, Barboi CA, Rothenberg DM. Dexmedetomidine as monotherapy after cardiac surgery. Crit Care Med 2000;28:A123.
- Colombo JA, Lewis KS, Rothenberg DM, Tuman KJ. Dexmedetomidine as monotherapy for sedation after cardiac surgery in the intensive care unit. Anesthesiology 2001;95:A381.
- Lewis KS, Colombo JA, McCarthy RA, Barboi CA, Rothenberg DM. Does dexmedetomidine adversely
affect hemodynamic outcomes after cardiac surgery? Crit Care Med 2002;29(12) A182. Research Citation Finalist. - Lewis KS, Baldwin DA, Colombo JA, Rothenberg DM. Implementation and evaluation of an intensive
insulin therapy protocol in the SICU. Pharmacotherapy 2002;22:A1334. - Colombo JA, Lewis KS, Baldwin, D, Snella KA, Rothenberg DM. Prospective evaluation of compliance and safety of an intensive insulin therapy protocol in postoperative cardiac surgery patients. Anesthesiology 2003;99:A414.
- Rajagopal, A, Lewis, KS, Baldwin, D, Rothenberg DM, Tuman, KJ. Intensive insulin therapy reduces the
incidence of atrial fibrillation and vasopressor requirements after cardiac surgery.
2003;99:A128. - El-Ganzouri AR, Toleikis SC, Tuman KJ, Rothenberg DM, Ivankovich AD. Teaching fiberoptic
Endoscopy, LMA, and other airway equipment for difficult airway management: Survey of residency
Training programs in the U.S. Anesthesiology 2004;101: A1348. - Kremer M, Irias N, Kraus MK, Faut-Callahan M, Rothenberg DM. Advancing Patient Safety Through Simulation: the RUSL Experience. Chicago Patient Safety Foundation
Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL March, 2005. - Kroin JS, Rothenberg DM, Tuman KJ. Effects of supra-therapeutic doses of epinephrine on functional activity in mice. Anesthesiology 107:A1973, 2007.
- Severin P, Krause MK, Cortez E, Rothenberg D, Faut-Callahan M, McNeal C: Faculty use of patient simulation: Identifying priorities and barriers. International Meeting on Simulation in Health Care. San Diego, CA. January, 2008.
- Severin P, Jacobson P, Cortez E, Rothenberg D et al: Blast injuries in children: Is there a role for pediatric simulation? International Meeting on Simulation in Health Care. San Diego, CA. January, 2008.
- Rothenberg DM, Rome L: The Cool Hand Luke Syndrome: Failure to communicate the perioperatve DNR order. Anesth & Anal, 2012.
- Rothenberg DM: Temporomandibular joint dislocation following the insertion of a laryngeal mask airway (LMA). Anesth & Anal, 2013.
- Mahzar F, Rothenberg DM. Lactic Acidosis during Anesthesia for Glioblastoma Multiforme Resection: The Warburg Effect. ASA Challenging Cases. 2015.
Scientific & Educational Exhibits
Defining and refining a formalized program of residency training in difficult airway management: Twenty-five years of experience. El-Ganzouri AR, Ivankovich AD, Tuman KJ, Rothenberg DM, Rajagopal A, Toleikis SC. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2004.
Research Interests/Grants/Consultation
Studying the effects of treating epinephrine-induced stunned myocardium in an animal model 2007
Studying spirituality in patients undergoing surgery. (1999-2000)
Studying the hemodynamic effects of intratracheal lidocaine via the LITA endotracheal tube. (1999)Critical Care
Studying the effects of melatonin in critically ill patients. (1999-2000)
Studying on-line blood gas monitoring (Multicenter trial) (VIA Medical) Grant $20,000. (1998-1999)
Co-participant with Robert A. Balk, M.D. (Co-investigator) in a Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Partial Liquid Ventilation with Sterile Perflubron in Adults with Acute Parenchymal Lung Injury. (1995)
Co-participant with Christopher O'Connor, MD (principal investigator) in a multicenter study of the efficacy of Hemosol during CABG surgery.(2001)